Space Matrix Winning 2020 - 2021 Asia Pacific Property Awards in Office Interior Category
2020-04-30 17:03:28 来源:壹点网
Space Matrix will be honoured at the Asia Pacific Property Awards in the Marriot Marquis Queen’s Park, Bangkok on the 8-9 September 2020 for their project Omnicom (Singapore), Northern Trust (India), Bridge+ CapitaLand (China). Space Matrix compete against the best property professionals across the Asia Pacific regions to be recognised in the [Office Interior] category.
CapitaLand Ascendas Plaza ∙ Bridge+ (China)
CapitaLand Limited (CapitaLand) is one of Asia’s largest diversified real estate groups. Bridge+, a flexible workplace solution & community platform brand under CapitaLand. Launched in 2017, its co-working centres in Singapore, China and India break the ubiquity of R&D, innovation, start-up and technology hubs and are testament to their vision of a modern workspace.
When Ascendas Plaza, an office buliding under CapitaLand, sought to start a new Bridge+ a flexible workplace, they approached Space Matrix to conceptualize the design. Space Matrix believes that it should be designed in a way that would make it truly memorable. The design team wanted to create an office space that was stylish, cosy, warm, elegant, yet functional, coupled with a universal and timeless appeal, so that Bridge+ could cater to different types of potential clients who would rent desks or suites at the co-working space.
Omnicom (Singapore)
Omnicom Group Inc. is an American global media, marketing and corporate communications holding company, headquartered in New York City. Omnicom's branded networks and specialty firms provide services in four disciplines: advertising, customer relationship management, public relations and specialty services. Omnicom's move to a new office was triggered by growth in employee headcount and clients were increasingly seeking unified, best-in-class teams that can work across disciplines and agencies.
Space Matrix wanted to design a space for our clients that challenged their traditional work styles and influenced interaction and brand identity. The new layout thus had an open office concept with open desks and more space for collaborations.
Northern Trust (India)
Northern Trust is a leading provider of investment management, asset and fund administration, fiduciary and banking solutions for corporations, institutions and affluent individuals worldwide. Our client hopes that their new space would be able to host business leaders & recruit new stakeholders across the globe.
As a result, Space Matrix created its Multi-Sensory facility in Pune, to speak volumes in terms of aesthetics and higher design quality creating a benchmark in workspace design.
About Asia Pacific Property Awards:
> The Asia Pacific Property Awards are judged by an independent panel of over 80 industry experts. Judging focuses on design, quality, service, innovation, originality, and commitment to sustainability.
> The Asia Pacific Property Awards are the largest, most prestigious, and widely recognised programme throughout the regions.
> The Awards are in their 27th year and cover over 45 different residential and commercial categories. Regional heats are staged for Arabia, Europe, Africa, Canada, Central & South America, the Caribbean, USA, UK and Asia Pacific. These will be celebrated at gala presentation events in Bangkok, London and Toronto during the course of the year.
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